Here’s Why I'm Not Using Henna On My Natural Hair Anymore

Photo by freepik

UPDATE: Jan 2024 

In the past, I brought you all along on my red henna journey and it didn't go so well. Not because my hair fell out, or because it broke off. The experience was quite the opposite, my hair was very strong after the henna treatment. But, I wanted color and I wanted it the natural way!

That wasn't my first time experimenting with henna. Back in spring 2016 I used light brown henna and got similar results as my second time; no color. Third time ain't the charm over here and I'm over it. Let me explain to you why I'm not henna-ing my hair anymore:

1. No Color

While there are benefits to henna treatments, many people add henna in their hair for the purposes of naturally coloring their hair. I returned natural in September 2010 and I started using box dye from August 2011-November 2012. I didn't have a negative experience with the dyes, but I wanted to focus on maintaining healthy hair and using natural products. I always love to change my looks and I thought a cute red would look good on me for the spring, so choosing a natural alternative was my only option.

I used Light Mountain's henna in "Red" last spring and not only did I use it properly, but I also added in extras like hibiscus, beet juice, pomegranate juice, and lemon juice and only a slight highlight in my hair appeared. Apparently henna for coloring hair only seems to work on light hair.

2. Too Messy

I don't have a problem with a mess, but too messy is when the line gets crossed. When I first tried light brown henna in 2016, the mess wasn't as messy, but last year when I used red henna, the mess was ridiculous especially since I used multiple products to "boost" the color. I kept the red henna in my hair overnight and of course the juice dripped onto my pillow. Never again.

3. Waste of Time & Money

Again, henna is great for naturally strengthening hair, but I feel there are other less expensive alternatives to naturally strengthen hair. Henna isn't too costly (unless you're adding in extras like I did), but I feel there are other ways to add some oomph to your curls. I wanted to add some color to my hair, but it didn't work on my hair so for me it was a total waste of time and money. A protein treatment for strengthening my curls would have sufficed for me.

4. Too Many Risks

While henna can be used as a booster if you want to eventually dye your hair with a permanent color, it comes with a risk. Henna stays in your hair for quite some time, so if you dye your hair after a henna treatment there's a risk it could be damaged or fall out due to the chemicals clashing. I've worked too hard for my hair to grow to be walking around looking like Myra leaving Sheneneh's Sho'Nuff Hair Salon.

Basically those are the main reasons I'm not using henna anymore. Healthy, but since I want a pop of color, it's done nothing for my hair. I have read suggestions of people stating pure henna from Indian stores is better than natural beauty boxed brands like Light Mountain, but I think I'm just get like Nicki Minaj and "hang it up, flatscreen" (y'all know I'm not a fan, but that's her best line). Please keep in mind these are my personal experiences with henna (specifically Light Mountain's "Light Brown" and "Red" henna mixes) and what didn't work for me may work for you.

I may just grab a box of natural dye and call it a day or find other alternatives. Otherwise, when it comes to henna, I'm done.

Related image
girl bye.

What's your experience with henna? Does it work for you? Share below!



  1. I'm so out of the natural hair care loop and never heard of henna.. i feel like a dunce. but after reading your post, i'm glad i've been out of the loop.. I need to learn more about what's out there to thicken my hair.. although it's growing it's not getting thicker.. Thanks for the sharing your story and the pros and cons of this product. ps.. the GIFs were totally funny!

    1. LOL thanks girl! Castor oil will help thicken hair

  2. I've heard of this before. Good to know I can skip it. I didn't believe the hype anyway. If a rinse didn't do the trick, I just didn't believe henna would either. I'm definitely not experimenting with dye, so I guess color just isn't for my natural hair. Oh well!

  3. I have heard of Henna treatment but I never knew all of this could happen because I was thinking with it being natural you wouldn't have a problem! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I occasionally use Henna . It is messy but I like the results. There are so many other choices so good that you are not "stuck" using something you don't want / need !

  5. I have never tried henna although I’ve heard about it for years. I like quick and simple so I use box color.

  6. I have never used henna on my hair and wouldn't have a clue on what to do with it. It sounds like it's more work than what it's worth though. So kudos to you for getting a box of color. LOL!

  7. Im sorry you had that experience with henna. I love henna it does make your hair stronger and that is what I want is strength, but if yours is for color definitely henna wont be it for you. Its too neutral.

  8. Ive always wanted to try henna to color my hair. When i dyed it red before it damaged my hair. Im also looking for a pop of color but can never find a good alternative

  9. When I had patience I used to make a henna gloss for my hair. I did get color. It was a good amount for me. Have you sought the expertise of a natural hairstylist?

  10. I’ve heard great things about henna but haven’t used it myself. From what I read it sounds like a lot of work

  11. Ive heard of Henna but I've never used it in my hair. Good to know why I shouldn't.
